The kennel club has launched a pilot scheme which could enhance genetic diversity. The scheme will mean purebred unregistered dogs can be registered on the Breed Register but only on a case by case basis.
Under the new scheme any new dog admitted to the register will have three asterisks next to its name to identify the fact that there is unknown or unregistered ancestry behind a dog.
- If a dog of unknown origin is accepted on the Breed Register then the dog’s registration will be annotated by three asterisks.
- If it is mated to other fully registered dogs of the same breed (with no asterisks next to their name), their progeny F1, will also be annotated with three asterisks.
- If the F1 progeny are mated to other fully registered dogs of the agreed breed (with no asterisks against their name), their progeny, the F2 progeny, will be annotated with two asterisks.
- F2 progeny mated to fully registered dogs of the agreed breed (with no asterisks against their name), will produce F3 progeny that will be registered with one asterisk.
- The F4 and subsequent generations will have no special annotation
A letter will need to accompany applications explaining how the applicant acquired the dog and it will then only be considered if the dog:
- is verified by two Championship level judges appointed by the Kennel Club who should agree that the dog is representative of its breed.
- is DNA profiled
- has relevant health tests (equivalent to that required and recommended under the Kennel Club Accredited Breeder Scheme) for the breed.
Breed specific health requirements under the ABS can be viewed at
Strict requirements have been put in place which will need to be completed before an application is approved by the Committee and there will be an administration fee of £100 per dog.