24 January 2021

Happy 2021 – sadly we started by, somehow, contracting Covid 19. It went through the household and our ‘bubble’ in a few days. Thankfully we have all started to come through this awful time. Us oldies have been unwell for a few weeks and the youngsters in our household have been less affected. God must…

24 January 2021

Happy 2021 – sadly we started by, somehow, contracting Covid 19. It went through the household and our ‘bubble’ in a few days. Thankfully we have all started to come through this awful time. Us oldies have been unwell for a few weeks and the youngsters in our household have been less affected. God must…

17 December 2020

So firstly, once again I have totally misread the closing dates for the breed notes and hope that you have all had a wonderful and safe Christmas. Family and friends are very important but this is the first year in a long time that plans may have been trimmed a little to fit the modern…

15 November 2020

Well I’m delighted to start with news of one of our ‘puppies’ progress. ‘Kori’ (now 2years) – Nizzana Lady Margolotta owned by Deborah Kirk has gained her Kennel Club Good Citizens Gold Award and now also has one assessment to complete in January and she will be registered Assistance Dog. At this time I don’t…

08 November 2020

Greetings friends, here we are again in another sort of lockdown, where you can do somethings you couldn’t last time. Sadly, a dog show isn’t one of them. Most of us have been bereft and are missing the social side of competitions. Others are cursing the lack of socialisation for our young puppies and juniors….

30 August 2020

I must start these notes with some sad news. Many of us that have been in the breed for some years will know Elisabeth (Liz) de Boisgelin. We were informed she passed away on 12th August 2020 at Saint Barts hospital, London. Liz had supported the Canaan Dog in the UK for many years after…

19 July 2020

Hello all – it’s been a while in these Interesting Times. With the continuing trend for indoor dog shows to be cancelled it’s with a heavy heart that I pass on the news from our BUBA representative, Mrs Barbara Gold that the 2020 Championship show due to be held in December at Stafford County Show…

14 June 2020

It has been a long haul and we have all been through some odd times. The Canaan Dog notes have scarce and brief – this is likely to continue for a while. We wait patiently (well almost) of news from the Czech Republic to see if our first venture in to the world of AI…

24 May 2020

It’s a question of colour? Here in the UK there is a leaning by many people looking to buy a Canaan Dog as a pet and companion towards the reds and creams. Some showing around the world also have preferences and will prefer the ‘desert’ colours. In the USA there seem to be more black…

19 April 2020

So far this lockdown situation has on the whole been kind to us in the south east, with beautiful weather enabling us to make the most of our gardens. The message is still there though, stay in and stay safe. Locally we have lost a few essential workers to the Covid19 virus and as a…

01 January 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let us all raise our glasses to a brighter future for the Canaan Dog in the UK and around the world! The last few years have not been good for the breed, and I find it sad to see the breed in decline here in the UK. Our Dogs did a Canaan…

25 December 2015

MERRY CHRISTMAS! All’s quiet on the UK front as everybody gets on with their Christmas dinner! Over in the USA they have been celebrating 50 years of Canaan Dogs in the United States! Earlier this year, several ICDCA members attended and recorded the International Canaan Dog Conference. A DVD has been compiled and includes conference…